In early October, the international project “Cyber Security in the Danube Region” organized training for security teams operating within the region. As sharing of information and knowledge are essential in the field of security, I decided to write a post in which I would like to draw attention of the security community in the Czech Republic to two very interesting free tools.
Scripting in Knot DNS Resolver
This week I was approached by a man dressed in platypus pyjamas, he asked me: “These layers and modules you talk about, they’re cool. But can it be even better?”. After the initial costume distraction wore off, I pondered a bit and said: “Sure, let me just grab a cup of coffee”. The real story is that the layers are now much more interactive, and the documentation is improved.
MojeID now speaks more languages: it has learned the SAML and OpenID Connect protocols
Since its establishment in 2010, the mojeID service was closely connected with the OpenID 2.0 authentication protocol. This protocol was the best choice for us at the time, as it combined the implementation simplicity with availability of libraries for various programming languages. However, OpenID 2.0 is not the only authentication protocol. I wrote in our blog (only in Czech) about several others, like the SAML protocol or OpenID Connect. Especially for the latter one, OpenID Connect, standardization of which was finished at the beginning of last year, analysts forecast a promising future. The good news is that mojeID is no longer “monolingual”, it is now able to communicate with service providers via the mentioned protocols.
Knot DNS Recursive goes beta
DNSSEC – RFC7646 NTA – RFC5011 TA updates