It is no longer “trending”, but at the dawn of the millennium, the increasing globalization together with the rise of modern technology and especially the Internet gave birth to the term “Follow the Sun”. For the young or old and forgetful, here is what it was all about. For example, while online services that usually require continuous operation and worldwide accessibility at any given time, a service may stop working or become inaccessible to some users. Anytime. How to provide technical support for such service without forcing employees to be awake at night in a certain time zone? Spread the workers around the world so that you always have someone who has daytime (the Sun over their head) and can provide support for the online service. And if the worker can’t solve the issue, they would pass it to the next one in the direction of the moving sun, who would finish the job. The fact that the time needed to solve the request was not measured in hours, but in the number of revolutions of the request around the Earth, is not so important.
Encrypted DNS in Knot Resolver: DoT and DoH
In this post, we describe the differences between the two widespread protocols for DNS encryption: DNS-over-TLS (DoT) and DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH). We compare the technical aspects of those protocols as well as their implications on user privacy. We also introduce Knot Resolver’s new built-in DoH support and explain some of our design decisions behind DoH.
Knot Resolver is not SAD DNS resolver
The Internet is flooded with news about a new attack against DNS protocol called Side channel AttackeD DNS, or in short SAD DNS. The attack is described in detail in Cloudflare’s blog and I strongly recommend you to read it to grasp how it works and why it is novel.