The overall count for total incidents dropped by 100 million. Sounds like a lot, but given the number of attacks we recorded (1.6 billion), it is just less than 10% decrease. Still significant, but not as shocking as hundred millions sounds. The results for minipot traps have not changed significantly from previous month, it seems the attackers are pretty consistent in regards to what services interest them the most.
With Port Trends we see that the continuation of Torrent domination got the whole top of the table. We did not add any other port specification. In regards to passwords we observed the biggest jump with password Changeme123. The password 1QAZ2wxx brings another interesting pattern. From Romania and Bulgaria came passwords that start with random alphanumeric characters and end with the pattern @123. Again as with interesting passwords from last month, the span was limited to few days, someone started and after two days the passwords had stopped.