You may have read some of our previous articles about Turris Sentinel and it’s companion – Sentinel View. Today we would like to share yet another cool feature that is available and that gives you even better feel how dangerous the internet really is.
Turris OS 5.2 has been released
In the newly released Turris OS 5.2 version, you can find Overview after logging in to web interface reForis. It provides you easily recognized status about the activated services for automatic updates, data collection, dynamic firewall, test for Internet connectivity, speed test using, and added list of OpenVPN clients to any OpenVPN servers. Based on the community feedback, we prepared for you the requested missing features in reForis. Since this release, you can see the Storage tab, the possibility of doing a factory reset from the UI and adding a registration token to use Honeypot as a Service. Some of these features were missing from an old web interface or from the previous major version of Turris OS.
Protecting your servers with Turris Sentinel
Little bit of history
Apart from operating .CZ top level domain, CZ.NIC does a lot of other interesting things contributing to the common good. Part of it is running Czech national CSIRT team, doing security research and raising awareness about potential security issues. As part of our security research, we started wondering a long time ago how much are the average Joes and Janes attacked, by who and how. People that are just connected to the internet, run no public service and are just consumers. If only there was some kind of probe that would allow us to see what is going on there…
Household routers face more than 250 attacks daily
Vulnerability of SOHO routers becomes a topic of analyses by various security organizations almost every week. The 2017 Symantec report shows a year-on-year increase in the number of attacks on IoT devices by 600%. The most vulnerable are unsecured routers, which often make it possible to gain easy access to each connected device. The April’s alert from the official US-CERT also tells us of the growing number of these attacks and their severity.
Welcome HaaS
Or, to be exact, you could welcome it last October, when we released its beta version. In the beginning, we were debugging it, while leaving the registration free, then came the stress test in the form of moving of all users of the Turris routers. We resolved all the issues and considered the suggestions, so nothing was in the way of launching HaaS — Honeypot as a Service.