Moving to April, we gained almost ten thousand more unique attackers on average, according to the Greylist. To provide even more context to the events, we added yet another interesting figure — the number of total incidents recorded.
Sentinel View report – March 2023
Looking at Greylist and Incidents Statistics, March data seem to be quite stable in comparison with the previous month. The total count of incidents did not drop significantly from February as the difference is about 100k incidents. The total number of incidents in February, divided by the number of days in the month and then multiplied by 30.36 (average number of days in a month) is 20,543,356.40. For March, using the same rules, we get 20,461,799.03.
New Netmetr is called LibreSpeed and it is global
A long time ago, CZ.NIC started a project called Netmetr, which was performed in cooperation with the Czech Telecommunication Office (CTU). The goal was to provide a reliable Internet connectivity benchmark that ordinary people can use to verify the parameters of their Internet connection. The cooperation went well and CTU was getting more and more interesting data about the quality of Internet connectivity in the Czech
Republic. Moreover, CTU decided to integrate the service into their systems and maintain it by themselves. They used the open-source software Netmetr and created Nettest – their own instance integrated into their environment. That unfortunately meant that the Netmetr itself lost its main purpose and it no longer made sense to keep it running.
Sentinel View report – February 2023
In February, we saw about a 10% decrease in the number of unique attackers, but they were more active. Usually, we see attackers come and go, but in February, although it was fewer attackers in total, we had on average, more attackers blocked every day. This means that those attackers stayed active longer than in January.
The 20th annual Safer Internet Day – a look back
Safer Internet Day is celebrated in more than 180 countries around the world, always on the second Tuesday of February. This year, this day fell on February 7 and was celebrated for the 20th time. The coordinator of this day for the Czech Republic is the National Safer Internet Center, managed by the CZ.NIC Association.
Sentinel View report – January 2023
In January, we encountered slightly more attackers than in December. But overall, behavior stays the same. The number of attackers per device and victims per attacker didn’t change much. Looking back at our first report, we also had about the same amount of victims per attacker but more attackers per device. The trend for the last three months is to target about 20 Turris devices on average if you are an attacker.
Sentinel report
Why we improve e-mail security and why it may break message redirection
In the Turris project, we are currently improving e-mail communication security. If you use our infrastructure for sending notifications from Turris devices, it also applies to you. It strengthens your protection but may “break” the redirection of messages to another address.
BIRD Journey to Threads. Chapter 4: Memory and other resource management.
BIRD is mostly a large specialized database engine, storing mega/gigabytes of Internet routing data in memory. To keep accounts of every byte of allocated data, BIRD has its own resource management system which must be adapted to the multithreaded environment. The resource system has not changed much between v2 and v3, yet it deserves a short chapter.
Sentinel View v1.2.0: Better Check Your Passwords Tonight
With all the data we collect (as you can read in details in my previous article) the challenge is not to figure out what to do with the data, but the implementation of the idea itself. When we have access to so many passwords, it was only a matter of time to implement some kind of search for passwords that show up in incident records. And this one wasn’t so complex either. We bring to you today a Password Checker with brand new release v1.2.0 of Sentinel View.